Red-flag: pre-apologies friends & others with opposing opinions – cuz you're probably gonna freak 😂🚩
I do not consent.
Your "New Normal"
looks like socialism-lite*
and it will not fly
Your "New Normal"
looks like socialism-lite*
and it will not fly
with most Americans.
For generations, perfectly capable individuals have been deciding which businesses are essential and safe. Businesses operating in good faith with their customers and communities are patronized and thrive.
Individual Americans are best at deciding their own risks. They are best at protecting themselves and helping each other. Individuals earned and deserve their right to choose, and they deserve respectful support of their right to choose — especially when threatened or forced to give up their choice.
If you're not sure what socialism-lite* looks like, check California, New York and communities where representatives are taking away individual's freedom of choice. Take another look at individuals (so-called "Karens" haha) and friends who seem less interested in safety, and more interested in tattletale selfishness and shaming of others.
When you hear,
"It's for your safety"
it more likely means it's for their safety.
"It's for your safety"
it more likely means it's for their safety.
I support others choosing for themselves, but not for me. You'll have to trust me anyway, that I'll abide your choices, so why not build on trust? Support my right to choose differently as an individual. Majority-rule, nanny types miss this opportunity every time. Why? Well they don't trust me, or they wouldn't threaten and restrict me. Maybe, it's that they do not trust themselves?
Abusing emergency powers and using fear to usher in some "New Normal" agenda is failing. Thankfully, like the virus with its over-blown crisis (gonna kill millions of US), we can watch this socialism-lite* agenda evaporate and die in the light of day and truth. I take it seriously, but relieved, I trust Americans and I choose ..