Friday, August 17, 2018

#CouncilguyMike Morgan Tweets 🙀

#CouncilguyMike Morgan Tweets 🙀

lmfao - so funny! : 3 seats on the "... action-packed council for the seaside village. Councilmembers only make $50 a month, but are compensated with glory, good cheer and the never-ending thankfulness of their fellow citizens."
@councilguymike thanks

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Booted! 9,14 August 2018 "Special" Meetings

Apparently, I was removed from the Trinidad Planning Commission? Heard it happened last Thursday, with only 24hrs notice and 3 Councilmembers - 2 of whom are running against me in November's General Election!?!!
I had a previous commitment and couldn't attend, but they obviously didn't care, or they would simply have tabled it for a couple of days - like until tomorrow's meeting.
I heard their motion was to remove me for the "best interests of Trinidad", or some such nonsense. I haven't heard anything official from the City yet. This is highly unusual and has the appearance of impropriety
I did find out there may not even be a recording of the meeting. Good thing our City Clerk takes great notes haha. 
I'm especially disappointed since I told the Council I would resign, if that's the direction they wished to go. I am running for City Councilmember after all, and only had a couple of Planning Meetings left to attend.
Still, I'm thankful for the opportunity and I enjoyed both meetings I attended. I sure had a better run, with far more support, a decade ago ..

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Vote for Mike?!!

Michael Morgan for City Council .. Again?
📢 😁👍

Tuesday, November 06, 2018 General Election